Logotipo Sanborns

Labor, Health and Safety Performance

Sears, Sanborns, MixUp, Dax and ClaroShop.com provide permanent and temporary employment to more than 50 thousand persons in Mexico and in El Salvador. In 2018 the number of employees increased by 5.8% over the previous year. The following are Benefits Programs found in Sears:

In Sears we have a Training Center in Mexico City, located in Centro Histórico and Carso headquarters, and in Tijuana, as well as 98 training rooms located in the operating units, and 48 training rooms in Sanborns; in the corporate offices; the two Training Centers in the Viaducto plant and the foreign locations, which include Panama and El Salvador. A total of 59,134 courses were delivered in 2018, which were completed by 58,011 persons, and which included technical training courses on operations, developmental, safety and health. Additionally, in Sanborns the very important Civil Protection program was continued, in which 4,861 persons took part, an increase of 15.1% in respect to 2017.

In Sears, personnel were hired and trained for the new stores at Cuernavaca Averanda, Parque Puebla, Parque Las Antenas and for the reopening of Villa Coapa. The distribution center in Silao, in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, was also opened, and the e-commerce initiative was consolidated in a nucleus of twelve stores, which led to the generation of 968 jobs. The training courses in Sanborns for the opening and pre-opening of stores involved 493 trainees.

In 2018, assistance continued for the Sears and Saks Fifth Avenue employees whose homes were affected in various ways by the 2017 earthquake. Those persons who required aid were assisted by the Carlos Slim Foundation.

Digital Science Scholarships were awarded to 669 children of workers and 310 Telmex-Telcel scholarships were awarded to workers or their children during the year.

The ASUME (Asociación de la Superación por México) program attained 303 groups, 3,082 collaborators who graduated, plus 230 collaborators who were enabled as instructors.

The CRESE (Sistema de Calidad Humana y Responsabilidad Social en la Empresa) program was continued, with the recertification of 67 Sears stores (credit centers, technical service centers, and logistics centers), for a total of 104 certified units. Also, twenty stores were incorporated in 2018.

In the Welfare Program, work was carried out on three fundamental aspects: Training, Health, Cultural Pursuits and Recreation. In 2018 39,287 persons (consisting of 34,560 collaborators and 4,727 family members) were benefitted by the various programs. The collaborators and family members were from Sears, Sanborns, Dax, and ClaroShop.

Works with the Carlos Slim Foundation “Train yourself for your Job” digital platform continued, using it for the basic training of the operational personnel and supervisors. Throughout the year, 844 Sears workers in various categories were trained, and 3,454 new employees were hired and trained on the said platform.

For more information, go to Sustainability Activities section of Grupo Sanborns web page http://www.gsanborns.com.mx/english/responsabilidad-social.html